Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 9, 2015

Traits & Skills of a Tech Entrepreneur [Infographic]

Successful entrepreneurs are either crazy, risk-embracing visionaries unafraid to gamble everything to bring their radical innovations to life, or they’re not.
Chances are, they’re not.
Owning your own successful business does require a bit of an independent streak perhaps, but what you really need are a broad set of skills, a good deal of relevant experience, and a willingness to try and try again.
There are probably as many reasons why people want to be entrepreneurs as there are new businesses launching, and while your journey will ultimately be unique to you, it can be very helpful to understand what motivates other like-minded travelers— what their challenges and opportunities are, and how they rise above the former and take advantage of the latter.
We know that entrepreneurship can be daunting, and that it might not be for everyone. But what’s critical to understand is that the skills and traits you need to succeed are learnable, attainable, and possible. That’s what this infographic is all about. Real people with real skills, building real products, and pursuing real dreams.

Source: udacity

Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 8, 2015

10 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Turning 40

Worried about turning 40? If so, you’re probably in the majority. But before you decide to buy that new Harley, take a look at a few things I wish I would have known before turning 40.

1: I Wish I Had Kept Track of Old Friends

My life got busy after finishing college. I ending up loosing track of many of the friends I met in classes and residence hall. I have some great friends that I’ve met in the years that have passed, but I wish I would have taken more time to care for relationships with the college roommates who helped me cram for big exams, took care of me when I was under the weather, or talked me through a difficult break-up. I had no idea at the time just how much of an impact those friendships really had on me.

2: I Wish I Had Saved More Money When I Was Younger

Back in high school, my economics teacher explained how if each of us saved a few hundred dollars each month, the magic of compound interestwould see that we were millionaires by our 50s. I was way too young then to heed such sage financial advice, so of course I spent much of the next decade spending money on movie nights with friends, expensive restaurants, and the latest and greatest clothing. Don’t get me wrong, some of my favorite memories are from going out with friends, but as my 50s get closer and closer, I know that saving that money sooner would have made a huge difference. It could be the difference between retiring at 55 and retiring at 70.

3: I Wish I Had Not Burned Bridges in the Past

In my teens and twenties, I burned a lot of bridges. At times, it was through stupid things like getting offended at a job and quitting rashly. In other cases it came down to cutting off contact with a good friend or ex-girlfriend over petty disagreements. What I didn’t know then was that every positive relationship can be built on in the future. You’d be surprised how many co-workers you run into who have connections with a company you were at previously, or how many people you meet who knew an ex or an old friend of your’s.

4: I Wish I Had Traveled More as a Young Adult

In some countries, young adults take a year off to travel extensively, while staying in hostels and backpacking. There are huge benefits to traveling while you’re young. However, instead of taking the time to see the world or volunteer abroad, I was anxious to get to work. With financial commitments that have increased as the years have passed, I seldom have the money to travel abroad. Unfortunately, I may have to wait until retirement to enjoy some of those experiences.

5: I Wish I Had Taken Better Care of My Body

While being over 40 doesn’t mean that I am ancient by any means, I can definitely see differences in my body. I wish I would have begun to focus earlier on caring for my joints while maintaining my weight. Instead I’ve spent far too much time focusing on heavy weight lifting without giving much regard to proper pain management. I also envy people who embraced healthy eating when they were young, maintaining a healthy weight and building good habits over the years.

6: I Wish I Had Been Kinder to Others

Now that I am older, I realize how important small acts of kindness are. We are all connected in some way. There is no reason to become hostile with waitresses or customer service reps over petty things. Taking time for little things, like letting someone with two items pass me at the grocery store when I have an overflowing cart would have been, in retrospect, well worth the sacrifice.

7: I Wish I Had Learned to Not Worry Constantly

I don’t know if worrying is really the cause of some of these wrinkles and gray hairs, but I do know that constant worrying can affect the chemicals in the brain. Most things tend to work themselves out in the end. I’ve found that shifting my focus to the things I can control, helps keep the stress away and keeps me more in tune with my family and the things that matter most.

8: I Wish I Hadn’t Collected So Much “Stuff”

Over the years, I have filled my home with a lot of stuff that I didn’t really need. Many of these “useless” items were expensive. All of these things represent wasted money and require space, leading to the necessity for a bigger house just to store all of the stuff. In recent years I’ve tried to adopt a much more minimalist lifestyle, funneling more money into paying down debts and investing in things I really want/need. My “stuff” collection has dwindled, leaving my home and my mind more clear and free.

9: I Wish I Had Known How Important Hobbies Are

When I was younger, I spent plenty of time on hobbies to keep me occupied in my spare time. Playing sports with buddies, hitting the golf range, or reading books were welcome breaks from responsibilities at school and work. As I’ve gotten older and the focus has shifted more directly to family and work, many of these hobbies have fallen by the wayside. Having a hobby is a great way to keep yourself active and keep your mind sharp.

10: I Wish I Would have Realized That the Mind Stays Young

Although I may look 40, my mind thinks I am a teenager in many ways. I still want to do many of the things I neglected to do at a younger age. This is actually one of the more pleasant aspects of aging because it means that I can still have fun and learn new things. I can choose to make new friends, change my diet, and go back to the golf course. Turning 40 has given me a new perspective on life, on my priorities, and what I want the future to look like.
Don’t slow down. 40 can be the start of your next great adventure, a time to invest in what matters the most, and a chance to start fresh! What are you going to accomplish in your next 40 years?
Source: LifeHack

Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 8, 2015

7 Things That Will Happen When You Start Doing Planks Every Day

Bodyweight exercises are gaining ground in the fitness world due to the practicality and simplicity of getting in shape using your own body weight. Planks are one form of bodyweight exercises that will never go out of fashion. Planks are one of the most effective exercises you can do. Why? Because they require a small time investment on your part, and offer the chance to achieve substantial results in a relatively short span of time.
Abdominal muscles are the only muscle group in our body that is not attached to bone. What this means is that they must provide support for our entire back and spinal column. In doing so, they also play a vital role in preventing injuries. However, for them to perform this function successfully, our core muscles have to be strong and trained on a regular basis. What all this means is that doing plank exercises every day is a great way to strengthen your core, and in doing so, support your spine.
Now, let’s focus on what will happen when you start doing planks every day:

1. You’ll improve core definition and performance:
Planks are an ideal exercise for the abdominal muscles exactly because they engage all major core muscle groups including the transverse abdominus, the rectus abdominusthe external oblique muscle, and the glutes. The importance of strengthening each muscle group cannot be underestimated either, for all of these groups serve their own purpose. If you strengthen these muscle groups you will notice:

  • Transverse abdominis: increased ability to lift heavier weights.
  • Rectus adbominis: improved sports performance, particularly with jumping. This muscle group is also responsible for giving you the renowned six pack look.
  • Oblique muscles: improved capacity for stable side-bending and waist-twisting
  • Glutes: a supported back and a strong, shapely booty.

2. You’ll decrease your risk of injury in the back and spinal column

Doing planks is a type of exercise that allow you to build muscle while also making sure that you are not putting too much pressure on your spine or hips. According to the American Council on Exercise, doing planks regularly not only significantly reduces back pain but it also strengthens your muscles and ensures a strong support for your entire back, especially in the areas around your upper back.
Check out this article if you would like to find out about how doing planks on different surfaces can impact the effectiveness of this exercise in strengthening your core.

3. You’ll experience an increased boost to your overall metabolism

Planking is an excellent way of challenging your entire body because doing them every day will burn more calories than other traditional abdominal exercises, such as crunches or sit-ups. The muscles you strengthen by doing this exercise on a day-to-day basis will ensure that you burn more energy even when sedentary. This is especially important if you are spending the majority of your day sitting in front of a computer. Also, making it a daily 10- to 1 minute home exercise before or after work will not only provide an enhanced metabolic rate but it will also ensure that that metabolic rate remains high all day long, (yes, even while you are asleep).

4. You’ll significantly improve your posture

Doing planks greatly improves your ability to stand with straight and stable posture. Through strengthening your core you will be able to maintain proper posture at all times because muscles in the abdomen have a profound effect on the overall condition of your neck, shoulders, chest and back.

5. You’ll improve overall balance

Have you ever felt that when you tried standing on one leg, you couldn’t stand up straight for more than a couple of seconds? It’s not because you were drunk- unless you happened to be at the time!-  but rather, it’s because your abdominal muscles weren’t strong enough to give you the balance you needed. Through improving your balance by doing side planks and planks with extensions you will boost your performance in every kind of sporting activity.

6. You’ll become more flexible than ever before

Flexibility is a key benefit of doing planks regularly, for this form of exercise expands and stretches all your posterior muscle groups – shouldersshoulder blades, and collarbone – while also stretching your hamstrings, arches of your feet, and toes. With a side plank added in to the mix, you can also work on your oblique muscles. This will provide you with further benefits when it comes to hyper-extending your toes, a movement that is crucial for supporting your body’s weight.

7. You’ll witness mental benefits

Plank exercises have a particular effect on our nerves, making them anexcellent means of improving overall mood. How? Well, they stretch out muscle groups that contribute to stress and tension in the body. Just think about it: you are sitting in your chair, at home or at work, all day long; your thigh muscles get tight, your legs get heavy due to being bent for several hours; and tension develops in your shoulders due to being forced to slump forward all day. These are all circumstances that put too stress on the muscles and nerves. The good news is that planks not only calm your brain, but they can also treat anxiety and symptoms of depression– but only if you make it part of your daily routine.
Now, the last thing left to do is to give you a sample plank exercise you can do to achieve great results in only 5-10 minutes a day.
Here is a great infographic that shows some of the best plank exercises to evenly target all abdominal muscle groups:
Plank Exercises
Are you ready to devote 5-10 minutes of your day, every day, to stay fit, healthy and, most importantly, strong as a bull? Then jump in and make doing plank exercises a part of your life.

Source: LifeHack

Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 7, 2015

15 Ways In Which You Ruin Your Life Even If You Don’t Notice It

Life is like a house that needs to be built and maintained. People try to avoid many realities and continue to ruin what’s good in their life without even noticing. Such poor choices don’t have to be made by you. Being happy and successful starts with acknowledging what damage you are doing to yourself right now and doing well to fix it.

1. You ruin your life when you don’t forgive

You can’t take life too seriously. People will hurt you and you will hurt others. Holding on to grudges or anger will only blind you from focusing on what is truly important.

2. You ruin your life when you keep a job you don’t like

Sometime you keep a job because you want a steady paycheck. But why jeopardize your happiness and focus on the present rather than on the future where you are free and happy?

3. You ruin your life when you care about what others think

You can’t please anyone. Caring about what others think will only make you empty as people will end up hurting and disappointing you.

4. You ruin your life when you are always procrastinating

Stop waiting for things to be perfect before you take action. Go out there and do what needs to be done to make your life perfect.

5. You ruin your life when you don’t take care yourself

Your body is your vehicle to success. Treating your body right by eating right and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will not only secure a healthy future but boost your self-esteem now.

6. You ruin your life when you complain about everything

Living a life of complaints doesn’t take you anywhere but will leave you disappointed, frustrated and angry. You need to channel that energy you use to complain into something worthwhile.

7. You ruin your life when you live in regrets

Your past cannot be changed. Learn from it and move on. Living in regrets only saps your positive energy and distracts you from possibilities.

8. You ruin your life when you pick the wrong partner

If you are Samson, please don’t pick a Delilah. Nothing is as awful or destructive as living with someone who doesn’t compliment or make you happy.

9. You ruin your life when you compare yourself to others

There is nothing as awful or as degrading as trying to compare yourself with others. We are all unique so why try to compare yourself with someone who is not you.

10. You ruin your life when you believe money will make you happy

Money offers you freedom, but there are many simple things in life that will make you happy and don’t require any money. Draining your life and focusing all your attention on wealth can make you distraught.

11. You ruin your life when you are not grateful

Gratitude means to appreciate the things you have. If you are thankful, you will have an ease, and an internal peace.

12. You ruin your life when you are in the wrong relationships

It is a bad thing to have an awful partner, but it will also tear you down if you are in relationships with friends who bruise and batter your self-worth.

13. You ruin your life when you are pessimistic

You should always be optimistic that things will be better. You cannot be negative and continue to condemn everything good that will come your way.

14. You ruin your life by living a lie

Many take on lives that are not theirs. They pretend and live under false guises. You have to be completely honest about who you are and live on that line.

15. You ruin your life by worrying about everything

Take some time to reflect and appreciate those great things you currently have. Although life is not perfect, it most definitely has handed some wonderful things to you. So appreciate it and quit worrying about what may not matter at the end of the day.

Source: LifeHack

Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 7, 2015

7 Reasons Why “C” Students Will Be The Most Successful People In World

There is a common opinion that if you study hard and graduate with an “A diploma,” it will guarantee you will find a great job that pays well. Unfortunately, the reality is different. Although, most positions require you to have a diploma, no one will look through your grades. When you graduate, the only thing that matters is your knowledge and the ability to operate within the system.
So why is it that students that you could barely get their “C” at the end of a semester manage to become super successful? Let’s look through 7 reasons why “C” students will be the most successful people in the world.

1. They understand what they want earlier than others 

“C” students don’t spend much time on the unnecessary classes we all have to.
If you are trying to become a technician, you obviously don’t need to write a hundred of annoying essays about culture and your summer experience.
They stop taking the required classes and focus on vocation-related subjects that can help them during their work. World famous innovator and entrepreneur Steve Jobs never finished college and made it to the top of IT industry only because he was focused on doing what he liked. During his famous speech to Stanford graduates he emphasized that “The only way to succeed, is to love what you do. Keep looking, don’t settle”.

2. They get first-hand experience.

Most “C” students start working earlier than their peers, which lowers their marks as they have to skip classes to make a living. At the same time, they get priceless experience every “A+” graduate is missing. And we all know that you are less likely to be hired without actual experience.

3. They build networks.

While “A” students are stuck learning unnecessary subjects, C students read tons of useful literature and communicate with dozens people every day. In real life, knowing powerful people as well as the ability to communicate can make a difference in your career.

4. They know how to enjoy life.

When in college, they visit parties and come to the lessons a little bit hangover, nevertheless, they enjoy their life. Same happens when they start working. Plain and simple: happy people are more successful than those who are not. It happens because they are fun to be around, proactive team players who will cheer up the entire team, which is one of the best skills your boss can look for. Stressful, negative people, no matter how intelligent they are won’t be in the top list of candidates.

5. They find the simplest solutions.

Billionaire computer specialist Bill Gates is one of the many successful people who cannot show off with their college marks. Nevertheless, he managed to get to the top by building Microsoft, one of the giant IT corporations. Bill Gates is very open-minded and unlike others, he never looks at grades or even diploma. Moreover, he thinks it is important to think outside-the-box. One of his famous quotes: “I will always choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because he will find an easy way to do it”.


6. They follow their dreams.

Much of success comes from loving what you do. When you enter college you are very young and might not understand what you actually need.
That’s why it is important to understand that you are not obliged to follow the choice you made when you were 18 or worse, if your parents made it for you. Look at the youngest female billionaire Elizabeth Holmes, who is revolutionizing medicine. She dropped out of Stanford, one of the most prestigious colleges to follow her dreams. Another great example is all-known fun-lover Richard Branson, he dropped our school at the age of 15, now he is managing a giant air company “Virgin.”

7. They understand what it is to struggle.

Success requires emotional intelligence, perseverance, passion and, most importantly, the ability to overcome failure. In business as well as in life, you will go through ups and downs no matter what grades you had in college. “C” students become more successful because they know what it means to struggle, starting with passing an exam and ending with finding money to start their own business.
At the end of the day, grades are just numbers. True achievement is to become someone in a real world. And, if you graduated from college with lower grades, don’t despair. Real life and real lessons occur when you leave the classroom.
Source: LifeHack

Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 6, 2015

13 Qualities A Woman Has That Make You Love Her Forever

13 Qualities A Woman Has That Make You Love Her Forever

Many articles & blogs are written women and their complicated mind. But, this one is all about those qualities of a Woman which make a Man love her. It has always been such a mind boggling task for a man to woo the lady of his dreams. It is always good to see the positive changes in him because of her entry in his life. Be it a Marriage function or any party occasion, it has added colors because of the presence of women. They flaunt, they laugh and they keep you wondering!!
NOTE : Here “you” refers to the Men Folk who aspire to find their lady love or who have already found the one.
A world without women isn’t possible. They either rule the house or allow you to rule, but they are responsible for all the happiness, family ties, traditions and rituals present in your home. For sure, you can buy a house but she brings in her charm and makes it a home. You are lucky if you have got the right life partner because it ensures you will have an encouraging support system. Being from Venus, a Woman has these 11 qualities that make you love her forever :

1. She has the ability to give a direction to your “ego”

You may have been an aggressive angry young boy before she came into your life, but after she arrived, you have become an ambitious man who knows what he wants from life and has a defined life purpose. She has helped you to realize your potential because she has pumped up your “Male Ego”, constructively. She is the one who gives you a reason to have faith in yourself.

2. She loves you with all her heart

Yes, if she loves you, she does that with all her heart. There wont be any confusion. Either she loves or she doesn’t. But, she needs her own time before she commits for a relationship. The way she does the little things for you, the way she is always there beside you, the way she argues with you over your wrong habits and the way she never forgets to show her love for you: She is the special person, your lady love and deserves your love too.

3. Your place in her life is intact

She may go to office and meet men every day. She may go to school and many students might adore her. She may be in a Marketing Team and many new men are meeting her daily. She may be going to a market or a mall and men are staring at her. But, she is unaffected by all this. What matters the most to her is what you think of her, how you feel about her and what she means to you. Your place is untouched and intact in her life. You are safe in her heart.

4. She is passionate and driven

Sending your kids to school, packing up your lunch, taking care of the home and buying the groceries, besides her own work. Even if she goes to an office every day, she does housekeeping on Sundays, while you make a Holiday. She has a driving force which makes your home. While managing the daily routine, you will find, she takes time out for gardening, reading, cooking something new or anything which she is passionate about.

5. She feels shy at times with you

Yes, that smile of hers says it all. Even after years of relationship, there are times when she feels shy like a sixteen year old girl. That moment is to be treasured because it is for you and with you. If you want to see her feeling shy, just drop a sweet note for her (maybe the same words with which you proposed to her) and watch her silently: her stunning smile will sing the saga for you.

6. She knows herself and celebrates her craziness

She is firm with her values and believe system. She is organized yet, at times she is crazy. She may dance like MJ or sing like an opera singer or may cook while mimicking one of your aunt’s but she is your lady – filled with many crazy ideas which make you love her.

7. She cares for your family

Her day begins with thinking about what to make for the breakfast. She is there to take care of your parents and kids. She leaves her own family and settles in your house to take care of everyone. She provides that emotional and mental strength that each member of the family needs. Her care is the backbone on which a beautiful nest called “home” is built.

8. She develops an interest in Sports for you

She may leave her shopping trip or her vacation with her Gals Gang, just to spend a few hours of Live Sports Watch with you. She may not know much about your favorite sport but will learn about the same, just for you. If she can do this, you too can leave your video games and learn about something that matters to her.

9. She gives you the “space” you need

Before being your Lady Love, she is your best friend and understands you well. She trusts you. She doesn’t doubt you. She accepts that you must be busy, that is why you didn’t answer her call. She knows that while you’re at work, you prefer to stay focused. She understands that one weekend now and then belongs to your friends. She gives you the space and trust, to speak the truth about your past relationships. Don’t you feel lucky to have her?

10. She compromises to build a home

Compromises come from both persons in a relationship, however she is the first one to initiate one. It is she who changes her home and morning habits to live with you. It is she who accepts to start showing the love and concern to her own parents, through phone and video calls. She agrees to come along with you and build a new life. She compromises a few hours of sleep, so that you can reach the office earlier than usual. She compromises the dearly awaited weekend date just because you plan a sudden road trip with your friends.

11. She never forgets important days

Yes, this is who she is. You may forget her birthday or your own Anniversary, still she doesn’t say that you don’t love her anymore. On the other hand, she makes each birthday of yours a special surprise. She makes you forget about the girlfriend who always needed proofs to justify your love. She is your girl and believes in you and your ways to express love. Not only this, she also makes you call your own parents/siblings on their birthdays and anniversaries.

12. She is sensitive, yet strong

She is a 21st century woman. She has protected and preserved her sensitive nature beneath layers of strength. She cares and nurtures the family, acts as a support system when needed but still she cries at times. You are the only man in front of whom she can reveal her emotional side, otherwise she has build walls around her to keep going in the outer world. She needs you to gain her own strength when she is too sensitive to take care of a problem by herself.

13. She loves shopping for the family

Shopping is something that most women love. They use shopping as a refreshment and entertainment activity. But, your lady may do all her shopping for you and your family members. She may be in the habit of doing a market analysis and than buy the best item in the most economical pricing. Off course, it is her love for shopping and for her family, both, but the bargaining and analysis that she does, makes her even more charming for you!
To end up, this article I will use words which every woman can feel:

She doesn’t need wishes and hugs with praises and flowers only on International Women Day or on her birthday or anniversary, but needs your time, acknowledgement and smiles daily. She needs a strong relationship to be the woman of your dreams.
Cheers to the men who read this thinking of her!!
Kudos to the women who read this to realize why they are special!
Source: LifeHack

15 Things You May Not Know About Single Moms

15 Things You May Not Know About Single Moms

When people enter into discussions about single mothers, it unfortunately often carries negative connotations. The single mother is often looked upon by society as a weathered woman who has volunteered to undertake the extremely difficult task of raising children on her own. Though each case is different, it is often a false portrayal of a woman who, despite her circumstances, is doing an amazing job raising a child, or children, single handedly with little to no help.
What most single mothers would tell you is that they are indeed not the dregs of society that most, including the media, may make them out to be, but they are simply women doing the best they can with what they have. They wish to be respected and understood, but are misinterpreted or looked down upon.
So in order to bridge the gap of understanding, here’s a list of the things you may not know about single moms. Perhaps you’ve wondered, too scared to ask in case you offend, or perhaps you are a single mom who wishes to share with others what you wish they knew. Either way, we’re laying it all out for single mothers, everywhere.

1. She is afraid of failing

Like all parents, single mothers work hard to ensure the safety and well-being of their children and themselves. They want to provide a happy home. However, unlike coupled parents, single mothers have the arduous task of shouldering that burden on their own. There’s no one to share the responsibility with if anything goes wrong. So, in order to lessen the stress, she must practice the art of letting go. This means she has to come to terms with not worrying about the things she can’t change, and simply concentrating on the things she can; using her energy wisely so as not to burn out.

2. She really hates having to juggle

It’s not fun, it’s exhausting, and it means she’s reminded of all the things she must see to. Watching a single mother juggling pick ups, meetings, parent-teacher conferences, bus schedules, and drop-offs makes you realize just how freakishly superhuman she can be. But, as impressive as it may look, she finds no joy in keeping busy just for the sake of looking busy, and would prefer to remove herself from anything that causes any unnecessary stress or drama. This makes her an impressive strategic manager who handles her time and tasks wisely and approaches everything with a littlesavoir-faire.

3. She feels guilty… constantly

Not being able to see friends or family as often as she wishes, or having to rush off from work the moment the clock strikes 5pm to make it in time for pick-up, fills her with inexplicable guilt. She’s probably aware that people know and understand her situation, but that does nothing to lessen the guilt. She’s used to being on top of things, so when things just don’t go according to plan, or she has to let someone down, she feels the brunt of that more than anything. Yet still, she gives it her all and offers to be there next time. Whether or not she is able to is another matter, but she won’t give up trying!

4. She needs to be private

She would love to share what her oldest told her the other day, or what she found in her daughter’s room, with someone, anyone, but she can’t. As a single parent, she is the only one her kids can confide in and trust regarding certain private matters, or things of a sensitive nature that they wish never to leave the home. She values that trust more than anything. So instead she holds it close to her, even promising to take it with her to her grave.

5. She would appreciate more help

A firm offer of help when she truly needs it is always welcome, but she is aware that many view a single parent’s request for help as a sign that something may be wrong. She doesn’t like to feel incompetent, but unfortunately, the world depicts single moms this way. She would rather do it on her own than be made to feel as though she isn’t doing a good job. Sadly, because of this, she is less likely to ask for help. But letting her know you are there, if ever she needs you, allows her to make the decision. By giving her the opportunity to come to you, it feels like friendly assistance rather than a rescue mission.

6. She is aware of the stigma

Sadly, she is more than aware of how society views and treats single moms. She is also aware of how the world views children of single parent mothers. However, this does not stop the single mother from being a wonderful parent who is more than capable of raising equally wonderful, happy, and intelligent children. In fact, she works doubly hard to fight the stereotypes and refuses to be pulled down by them.

7. She never really sleeps

Whether it’s that loud bang in the night or the phone ringing at 2am, the single mom is already on it! She is eerily alert, even while sleeping. Being awoken abruptly from sleep, she’s like a meerkat-ninja, with her head held high watching, listening and at the ready for any signs of danger. She’ll jump from her bed and go investigate, seemingly unafraid and at the ready. Once all is well, she will check on her young before heading back to bed. Even daytime naps may be shallow, as she’s keeping one ear poised just in case the school calls. But she’s become a master at short power naps and awakes firing on all cylinders.

8. She is constantly thinking about the future

We’re often reminded to be in the present and to be here, now, if you are truly to enjoy life. And although the single mom is fully aware of how to do this and the benefits it brings, she’s always thinking ahead. Surprises are not the single mother’s best-friend, so a little forethought will help to keep her prepared, just in case. Yes, this can be rather draining, but she feels comfortable thinking and wondering about tomorrow; planning and making decisions about the future safe in the knowledge that if things don’t work out, at least she has some sort of a backup plan, or at the least, an idea of what to do next.

9. She wishes she could go away… alone

After all that planning, juggling, and managing, it’s no wonder she needs a break! A few hours here and there whilst the kids are at school or visiting friends are great, but they only last so long. What she really wants is a 2 week kid-free break away, alone, someone nice and sunny, with plenty of sea and sand; massages, yoga, and sleep! Yes, going away with someone is fun, but in truth, all she wants to do is sleep on the beach without having to worry about someone else. A vacation away on her own means she is able to get back to her, for a bit. Then she will return, ready to go and missing her little angels.

10. She worries about money

Yes, this is true! However, this means she has had to become an expert at managing her finances. Whether she has it or she doesn’t, money is on constant play and rewind in her mind. She is the breadwinner, the sole provider and accountant for the household, and so she needs to be on top of every penny. The pressure is on. She is able to compartmentalize the household’s finances and has money management down to a fine art.  Whether that means getting the best bargains or coming up with creative ways to save money, she does more than her best.

11. She needs friends who are single, too

Yes, it’s great to have the love and support of other single mothers, but sometimes she would like a break from single mommy land. She needs that separation that only loving single friends can offer. After all, she is a single woman, too. Delving too much into single-mommy stuff can get rather depressing over time. The single friend gives her a chance to step out of that place once in a while, and just be a single gal, rather than a single-girl-mom. No mommy talk, no money talk, no childcare suggestions, just pure fun, and welcomed unattached chatter. Plus, talking about dating disasters is always fun!

12. She dreads punishment

There’s no denying that strong bond that single mothers have with their child; when it’s real, it’s a thing of beauty. Unfortunately, that bond has it’s fair share of up and downs! When it’s time to discipline their child, the responsibility falls solely on the single mom, and it’s rough. She hates having to do it, but knows it must be done. There’s no good cop, bad cop routine going on here, the single mom has to be both; she has to know when to lay down the law, but also how to give the comforting and reassuring hugs after. It may be confusing to onlookers, but it’s the most impressive, and rather scary, double act ever. She manages to discipline and nurture her kids at the same time, as she knows the benefits of both together are endless.

13. She is cautious about dating

Yes, she would love companionship, but she is more than aware that dating comes with its not-so-great moments. And yes, she is familiar with the assumption that she is desperate and lonely, or looking for a father for her children; this is not the case! The confident single mother is not looking for a savior or a knight in shining armour. She is not down and out, and would appreciate it if you didn’t swan in to “save her.” She is more than capable of handling her business. What she would appreciate, however, is someone on her level who is considerate of her situation. Respect her, love her, and treat her like the smart, beautiful, and intelligent woman she is; she doesn’t need to be rescued and doesn’t have time for dodgy dealings. What she needs is a genuine someone, a mature relationship, and a solid friendship based on loyalty, respect, and affection.

14. She has to be intuitive

Having intuition is great; being able to notice those things often unsaid is an essential part of good parenting. But as a single parent, this skill can often be quite overwhelming, as she cannot afford to be complacent or disconnected. The emotional and mental well-being of her kids rests solely on her shoulders, and this thought is always at the forefront of her mind. Therefore, it’s especially important that she is conscious of those things her children aren’t telling her and is able to follow her hunches, especially where subtle changes in their behavior are concerned. From here, she is able to assess whether or not she needs to step in to help or simply to offer an encouraging hug. Always in tune, and always one step ahead.

15. She doesn’t want you to feel sorry for her

In no way should the single mom’s situation be viewed as a sorrowful case. Things happen in life, as they do to everyone, but she has dusted herself off and has amassed a superhuman strength to make life pretty awesome for her family. There’s no denying she has a lot on her plate, but there’s also no denying she’s strong and capable, and is a loving mother. So if you happen to know a first-class single mom, praise her, hug her, and let her know she’s doing a phenomenal job. And if you happen to be one, smile… you’re doing an awesome job!